1. Presentation of the site.

By virtue of Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the site are informed that http://www.smartwag.com/ the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and follow-up:

Owner : SMART WAG Sàrl –  Société à responsabilité limités immatriculé au registre du commerce du Valais central sous le numéro CHE-321.644.765 – Chemin de la Chapelle, 2 3960 Loc – Crans Montana Suisse
Publication manager : info@smartwag.com
The person responsible for publication is a natural person or a legal entity.
Webmaster :  contact@smartwag.com
Hébergeur : OVH SAS : 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 – France

2. General conditions of use of the site and the services offered.

L’utilisation du site http://www.smartwag.com/ implies full and complete acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, the users of the site http://www.smartwag.com/ are therefore invited to consult them on a regular basis.

Ce site est normalement accessible à tout moment aux utilisateurs. Une interruption pour raison de maintenance technique peut être toutefois décidée par SMART WAG Sàrl, qui s’efforcera alors de communiquer préalablement aux utilisateurs les dates et heures de l’intervention.

The website http://www.smartwag.com/ is regularly updated by the Webmaster. In the same way, the legal notices may be modified at any time: they are nevertheless binding on the user, who is invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to read them.

3. Description of the services provided.

The website http://www.smartwag.com/ is intended to provide information concerning all of the company's activities.

SMART WAG Sàrl s’efforce de fournir sur le site http://www.smartwag.com/ information as accurate as possible. However, it may not be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and shortcomings in the updating, whether caused by itself or by the third party partners who provide it with this information.

All the information indicated on the site http://www.smartwag.com/ are given for information purposes only and are subject to change. Furthermore, the information on the site http://www.smartwag.com/ are not exhaustive. They are subject to changes that have been made since they were put online.

4. Contractual limitations on technical data.

The site uses JavaScript technology.

The website cannot be held responsible for any material damage related to the use of the site. Furthermore, the user of the site undertakes to access the site using recent, virus-free equipment and with a latest-generation, up-to-date browser.

5. Intellectual property and counterfeiting.

SMART WAG Sàrl est propriétaire des droits de propriété intellectuelle ou détient les droits d’usage sur tous les éléments accessibles sur le site, notamment les textes, images, graphismes, logo, icônes, sons, logiciels.

Toute reproduction, représentation, modification, publication, adaptation de tout ou partie des éléments du site, quel que soit le moyen ou le procédé utilisé, est interdite, sauf autorisation écrite préalable de : SMART WAG Sàrl.

Any unauthorised use of the site or of any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

6. Limitations of liability.

SMART WAG Sàrl ne pourra être tenue responsable des dommages directs et indirects causés au matériel de l’utilisateur, lors de l’accès au site http://www.smartwag.com/, et résultant soit de l’utilisation d’un matériel ne répondant pas aux spécifications indiquées au point 4, soit de l’apparition d’un bug ou d’une incompatibilité.

SMART WAG Sàrl ne pourra également être tenue responsable des dommages indirects (tels par exemple qu’une perte de marché ou perte d’une chance) consécutifs à l’utilisation du site http://www.smartwag.com/.

Des espaces interactifs (possibilité de poser des questions dans l’espace contact) sont à la disposition des utilisateurs. SMART WAG Sàrl se réserve le droit de supprimer, sans mise en demeure préalable, tout contenu déposé dans cet espace qui contreviendrait à la législation applicable en France, en particulier aux dispositions relatives à la protection des données. Le cas échéant, SMART WAG Sàrl se réserve également la possibilité de mettre en cause la responsabilité civile et/ou pénale de l’utilisateur, notamment en cas de message à caractère raciste, injurieux, diffamant, ou pornographique, quel que soit le support utilisé (texte, photographie…).

7. Management of personal data.

According to the Federal Data Protection Act, personal data is "all information relating to an identified or identifiable person" (art. 3. LPD) By data processing is meant "the collection, storage, use, modification, communication, archiving or destruction of data" (art. 3 LPD) In Switzerland, any operation in relation to personal data is subject to the LPD: the data must be processed for the purpose for which it was collected, it must be destroyed once processing has been carried out, the person must have been informed of the purpose of the processing and have consented to it. The accuracy of the data and their security must be guaranteed. The right of access to the data must be guaranteed to the data subject. The Federal Data Protection Act is currently being revised to keep pace with technological and social developments. It is in line with the European data protection reform in order to align itself with the level of protection guaranteed by the new European regulations. The Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) has an information and advisory role.

At the European level, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will enter into force on 25 May 2018. All companies in the world that process personal data of European citizens are affected by compliance with the Regulation. Switzerland is not directly legally affected by this new legislation and is not obliged to transpose the Regulation into its domestic law, but remains subject to it as a third country. The aim of the RGDP is to strengthen the control of European citizens over the use of their personal data and to unify the regulation for companies. With regard to the transfer of personal data between Switzerland and the USA, the Swiss-US Privacy Shield provides a framework for American companies doing business with Switzerland. It has been in force since April 2017. In Switzerland, there is no "legal ownership of data" because you can only own things and data is not considered as such. There is also no right of ownership over databases, as there is in other countries.

On the occasion of the use of the site http://www.smartwag.com/may be collected: the URL of the links through which the user has accessed the site http://www.smartwag.com/the user's access provider, the user's Internet Protocol (IP) address.

En tout état de cause SMART WAG Sàrl ne collecte des informations personnelles relatives à l’utilisateur que pour le besoin de certains services proposés par le site http://www.smartwag.com/. The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he enters it himself. It is then specified to the user of the site http://www.smartwag.com/ whether or not there is an obligation to provide this information.

No personal information of the user of the site http://www.smartwag.com/ n’est publiée à l’insu de l’utilisateur, échangée, transférée, cédée ou vendue sur un support quelconque à des tiers. Seule l’hypothèse du rachat de SMART WAG Sàrl et de ses droits permettrait la transmission des dites informations à l’éventuel acquéreur qui serait à son tour tenu de la même obligation de conservation et de modification des données vis à vis de l’utilisateur du site http://www.smartwag.com/.

8. Hypertext links and cookies.

The website http://www.smartwag.com/ contient un certain nombre de liens hypertextes vers d’autres sites, mis en place avec l’autorisation de SMART WAG Sàrl. Cependant, SMART WAG Sàrl n’a pas la possibilité de vérifier le contenu des sites ainsi visités, et n’assumera en conséquence aucune responsabilité de ce fait.

Navigation on the site http://www.smartwag.com/ is likely to cause the installation of cookie(s) on the user's computer. A cookie is a small file which does not allow the user to be identified, but which records information relating to the navigation of a computer on a site. The data obtained in this way is intended to facilitate subsequent navigation on the site, and is also intended to enable various measures of frequentation to be taken.

Refusal to install a cookie may make it impossible to access certain services. However, the user can configure his or her computer in the following way to refuse the installation of cookies:

Under Internet Explorer: tool tab (gear icon in the top right-hand corner) / internet options. Click on Confidentiality and choose Block all cookies. Validate on Ok.

Under Firefox: at the top of the browser window, click on the Firefox button, then go to the Options tab. Click on the Privacy tab. Set the Retention Rules to: use custom settings for history. Finally uncheck it to disable cookies.

Under Safari: Click on the menu pictogram (symbolised by a cog) in the top right-hand corner of the browser. Select Settings. Click on Show advanced settings. In the "Privacy" section, click on Content settings. In the "Cookies" section, you can block cookies.

Under Chrome: Click on the menu pictogram (symbolised by three horizontal lines) in the top right-hand corner of the browser. Select Settings. Click on Show Advanced Settings. In the "Privacy" section, click on Preferences. In the "Confidentiality" tab, you can block cookies.

9. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

Any dispute relating to the use of the site http://www.smartwag.com/ is subject to Swiss law. Exclusive jurisdiction is given to the competent courts of Geneva.

10. Lexicon.

User: Internet user logging on, using the aforementioned site.

Personal information: "information that allows, in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the identification of the natural persons to whom it applies" (article 4 of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978).